Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Keyword Optimization for Search Engines

To optimize your search engine results, there are a number of things you can do. We will cover Keyword Optimization today. If any of the terms I use are unfamiliar with you, shoot me an e-mail and I will try to better explain in more detail what a specific term means.

Choosing what keywords to use can be a tedious process... but will reap far more traffic than advertising your site. You want to try to be specific with your keywords. There is free software for keyword brainstorming like GoodKeywords and PPCWebSpy

1. Use your keyword(s) in a header tag.
2. Place keywords at the beginning AND end of your copy. Preferably in the top left and bottom right.
3. Use your keyword in an image tag AND name your images with whatever keyword you are targeting.
4. Optimize your index page (home) for your specific keywords.
5. Use your keywords throughout the content of your page, but be sure not to over do it. One keyword for every paragraph or two will do just fine.